速報APP / 遊戲 / Guess the Superheroes Name

Guess the Superheroes Name





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:Jamia nagar okhla New Delhi

Guess the Superheroes Name(圖1)-速報App

Guess the superheroes and villain Picture

This game type of quiz, trivia, games.

Guess superhero name and also villain name.

in this App Guess the superheroes and villain Picture app and collect ponts.


> Totally and absolutely FREE quiz game!

> Hint coins for when you get stuck!

> Play daily to receive hint coins!

> Guess Comic Super Heroes Quiz is a marvel and dc quiz game.

Guess the Superheroes Name(圖2)-速報App

a what's the pic, guess the picture puzzle

english word quiz guess the picture

guess the picture - إحزر الصورة

guess the picture : puzzle,

guess the pictures,

> Challenge your friends in any social network to see who knows the most superheroes and/or ask them for help if you don't know who is on the picture & get stuck on a level.

> Play right now!

> Games and Movies

> New & old superheros

Guess the Superheroes Name(圖3)-速報App

> Cartoon Character

Thank you

Guess the Superheroes Name(圖4)-速報App